Monday, July 9, 2007

Taylor's rocket!!!

In the next 3 weeks the class is going to make a water rocket. That will be able to go very high in the air (hopefully). Right now we are working on the parachute so far I only need to tie on 13 more strings. We are trying are best to make are parachute and our rocket stable and will not fall apart! Here is a cool site that you can get lots of information about water rockets!
Now that I finished my rocket I'll tell you how long it took me to build everything. First off we have the parachute, it took me along time to do the parachute because it was a pretty complicated design! First I had to fold a lot till I got the body of the parachute then I had to put on the strings. After that I got my safety tabs so the parachute doesn't rip from the strings. (That whole process took me at least 5 days!) In the next week I started to work on my fins for my rocket, (I had already finished shaping my body for the rocket) It took me a long time to make my wings. The first thing you have to do is draw what kind of wing you want after that you have two make the wing a inch longer so you have some room that you can put the wing on your rocket. But before you can put the fins on your rocket you have to score on the line that you drew.(Your rocket has to have at least 3 wings on it to make it stable) When your done with that you can start on trying to connect your fins to the rocket, when your done with that you have to work on your recovery system. (The rocket wings took me about 3 days) In the recovery system you have to connect the strings to a cone and you can connect a pyramid to it for less air resistance! Then after that you can connect it to your rocket and put a tennis ball in it for weight and you done! (The whole procedure took me 16 days)

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Animated GIFs

Here's one of Newton's laws of motion. And how it has to do with my water rocket. I think that Newton's second law of motion has to do with my water rocket. Newton's second law is Mass equals Mass times Acceleration. It has to do with my water rocket because when the water spurts out of the rocket (the force) it hits the ground (the mass) it soars upward (the Acceleration).

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