Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Andre' s Blog

Welcome to my web page
This web page is about a rocket test which is executed on 26th, July, 2007

History of Rockets
The history of Rockets began in 1241 BC by Genghis Khan's Mongolian army as he stole Chinese technology for his army. The rockets were first used at the Battle of Sejo. A man named Wan-Hoo placed 47 rockets tied to a chair and 47 servants ready to light the rockets. When the fog cleared, the man disappeared. Europe then found Chinese gunpowder and used it for the European Empire. Korea then began building gunpowder arrows, which can blow up as it touches anything, the arrows were equipped into Singijeon. Later on, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) used the gunpowder for the Ottoman Empire's army with the toughest unit, the Great Bombard. The Great Bombard was a big cannon unit that can take down a quarter of the army but the bad advantage is that it is a slow unit

We make rockets using Hydrogen (water) to launch the rocket to the sky with air compressing the water in the 2 litre water bottle by using a air pump
Here is a link to learn more about the air compressing water:

We begin with building the rocket with your own choice but it is required to use 2l bottles.
Here is the website to build your hydro rocket

As you begin to make your second head so you can insert the parachute. Build your own style of a rocket parachute as the rocket will run out of air and water.

Link to National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Here is a example of a Hydro Rocket attempt


and a real fuel rocket test


Here is a movie clip of Issac Newton's 3 laws of motion from www.Brainpop.com (requires brainpop Membership


Construction of the altimeter
To construct the altimeter, you need a protractor, a 8 inch string, a fresh rubber, sellotape and a straw. You begin with taking your protractor and put the line through the small hole and tie a knot.

Here is the Result Table on the 26th of July 2007' s launch day

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