Monday, July 9, 2007

Evelyn's Hydro Rockets page


In Hydro rockets we are making a rocket that runs on water. This class is really cool because we get to make a rocket that runs of water entirely of our own!

Some people say that physics are reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally boring but I find that if you add in a few easy experiments that don't require to much brain power.


Some things that require some brain power: Newtons Law of motion (there are three laws): 1.An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at constant velocity unless acted upon by and unbalanced force. Simplified version: 1. An object that is not moving will not move and an object that is moving will remain moving at a constant speed until someone or some thing does something to it. 2. for
ce = Mass x Acceleration (F = M x A)
simplified: turbo boost x an object = force (I hope thats right) 3. f
or every action there is and equal and opposite reaction. Simplified: (can't think of any thing)

This is my table of what happened when we blasted off the rockets,

sadly, no one measured my rocket's hight so I had to make lots of crosses on the chart.

On the second launch me and Katerina( my buddy for the blast off) combined rockets because I ripped out some stuff on the first blast thinking that I only had to do one blast off.


OK, here are a few links you could try to learn more about Hydro rockets: for the website above: it may look really boring but if you go to the bottom of the page they have templates and stuff to help you under stand about HYDRO ROCKETS

Animated GIFs

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