Monday, July 9, 2007

Jason's hydro rocket

For the next three weeks will be making a hydro rocket (a water-powered rocket).
So far I have made a parachute that is attached to the top of my roc
ket which looks like the rocket above.
below are some websites teaching you how to make a water rocket.
First day:
Today, we didn't really work on our rockets, all we did was and a game to learn about each other and we also did a experiment where we use balloons and create a rocket like balloon and then we have to see whose in the class can fly the farthest and in the end I was in second place.

Second day: We started working on our parachutes today, there were
three types and we had to choose one, then we started working on it.

Third day: I finished my parachute and started working on my rockets body like the one above

All three of Newton's law of motions will apply to my rocket when it is launched,
Newton's first law of motion: "An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force"
Newton's second law of motion: Force= MassxAcceleration"
Newton's third law of motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

In Newton's third law, it says that for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so like the picture on the right, thrusts opposite is weight, and weights equal reaction is a friction.

Mass and Acceleration are needed to create force, so the rocket is the mass and the pressurized air is pushing on the water so when we release it, it will push the upwards which causes it the Accelerate and when you have both Mass and Acceleration it causes.

when the bottle is pressurized but the cap is not let go the bottle will not move until I realease it and when it is realeased it goes upward and keeps going, but while its going, the air will be pushing on it causing friction and slowing it down and it will soon stop because of the friction and will start coming down.

Today, I am making a egg pouch to put my egg, because for the test we not only need to make a rocket fly up using pressure and water, we also need to put a egg inside our rockets because we need to test if it is safe enough to have a human inside it so the egg represents the person.
Below is the table of scores that me and my buddy got

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