Monday, July 9, 2007


I think rockets are a little bit dangerous. If you didn't make the rockets perfect the rocket may explode and the people inside may die. Sometimes if a beginner doesn't know what to do with the rocket and tries something wrong and presses a incorrect button the rocket may explode and a person may die.

I'm in a Hydro Rocket class where we are learning parachutes, rocket design, and the rocket recovery system. We are also learning about how the rocket will fly in the sky. Today we learned about how to use a protractor in order to learn how high a rocket goes. We have also learned about pumping air inside a 2 liter bottle there is white smoke that comes out when you take the cap off the bottle. This is matter gas and liquid.

I like Hydro Rocket class a lot because you can learn about experiments and we learn how to make rockets and parachutes.

Our rocket results:

Distance from Rocket
Angle of Altimeter
Rocket Height at Apogee
Time to Apogee

Time from Apogee to ground
Launch #1
100 ft
unknown 1:25sec
Launch #2 100 ft unknown unknown unknown unknown
Launch #1 100 ft unknown unknown

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