Monday, July 9, 2007


The 1 Day's Brief...........
The first day when I came to the class I was very nervous and shy, but after few minutes it was very fun and there were my friend to.
My teacher's name was Mrs,Nelson.
After we talked we did a balloon experience, and it was quite easy.
But that was just the little experience. And the real experience is from now on ......................

The 2 Day's Brief ...........

The second day we started to working on the rocket.
First we worked on the parachute, and it was quite hard to make the parachute, not like the balloon experience.

The 3 Day's Brief

The third day we still worked at the the parachute, and I was still at the beginning so I was little rushed, but I luckily finished so I showed to Mrs.Nelson, then she said that I need 20 peaces, so I changed to the other way but when I started the class was finished so I have to do it tomorrow.

The 4 Day's Brief

The fourth day I started working on the new parachute, when I was working on the parachute Mrs. Nelson said that we have to finish our parachute by tomorrow, so I was very

The 5 Day's Brief

The 5 day it was the last day to work on the parachute . When I was working on thew parachute I made the circle was too big in the middle so I asked Mrs.Nelson, the she said that
it is too big and it won't work very good but you can try with that so for now so I finished just on time.

The 6 day's brief

The 6 day [Monday] we finished our first week on H.K.I.S. summer school.
On Friday I finished the parachute well not willy but still I can say that it was finished, so I started working on the wings. I thought that it was harder then the parachute, but it was the opposite and it was quite easy to make it.

The 7 Day brief

The day 7 I was working on the wings for the rocket and so far I only finished the first wing.
But Ray and Casey helped me make the wing [Ray is my friend and Casey is the helper of the class] so I made 3 wings and the class ended.

The Day 8 brief

The day 8 I was working on the last wing for the rocket, but I did the wrong way because I forgot to not to paste the 3 wing so I have to take it off but the class was almost end of the class so cloud not finish it.

The Day 9 brief

The day 9 I finished the wing but I haven't finish the recover system and the nose cone part. So I wanted to start on my recover system and the nose cone. The recover system was hard to create and the hole in the bottle was too big. So I made a new one and made the hole smaller.

The Day 10 brief

The day 10 when I went to class I tried to work on attaching the string to the head of the rocket but the head of the rocket was gone so I had to use another bottle and that was my last bottle.

The Day 11 brief

The day 11 was the start of the last week for HKIS summer school. I was working on the new top of the rocket. It took me about 30 minutes because I wasn't concentrating on my work. Then I started to tie the strings to the head.

The Day 12 brief

The day 12 I worked on the parachute string because the string was tangled together and some string were missing. So Brian and Ray helped me make more string and it was finished.

The Day 13 brief

The day 13 I was very rushed because tomorrow it is blast off for my rocket and I was not finished yet. So Ms Nelson helped me work on my rocket so i can get finished.

The Day 14 brief

The day 14 was the blast off day. I was very excited and nervous to see my rocket go wrong. When it was my turn to launch my rocket, I was nervous and worried if my rocket works or not. My rocket launched and it went very high. I was happy to see that my rocket worked and went into the air.

The Day 15 brief

The day 15 is the last day of HKIS summer school. But I haven't finished on the blogg so I missed the party but still Casey helped me so I finished on time.

Kenshiro launch 1:
distance from rocket: 100 ft
Angle of Altimeter: Unknown
Rocket Height at Apogee: Unknown
Time to Apogee: 1.09 Sec

Kenshiro Launch 2:
distance from rocket: 100 ft
Angle of Altimeter: Unknown
Rocket Height at Apogee: Unknown
Time to Apogee: Unknown

Ray Launch 1:
distance from rocket: 100 ft
Angle of Altimeter: 75 degrees
Rocket Height at Apogee: 27 ft.
Time to Apogee: Unknown

Ray Launch 2:
distance from rocket: 100 ft
Angle of Altimeter: Unknown
Rocket Height at Apogee: Unknown
Time to Apogee: Unknown

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