Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ben's Hydro Rocket

Hello, my name is Ben and this is my Hydro Rocket web page.

I will go through the steps to making my rocket. So the first step in making my rocket was finding a 2 litre bottle without dents. The use of the bottle was to be a pressure chamber to put the water and air in. Also it was used as the body and the structure .
Next we made wings I used recycled wings covered by duct tape. I used the recycled wings because they would weigh extra and keep better balance, so my rocket would have a straighter flight. For example, a feather is hard to throw because it is light and has a lot of imbalance and drag. But a tennis ball has the drag also, but more balance. Next I put duct tape around the nose cone to make it heavier for the same reason. Then I equipped a recovery system so the rocket doesn't come down and hurt someone.

Here are some fun Games!

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