Monday, June 16, 2008

Satoshi's hydro rocket

Experiment 1

Instead of using fuel, you will use a straw, balloon, long piece of string (at least 3 meter long) and tape.

First you inflate the balloon and hold the balloon with a paper clip. Next you tape the straw to the inflated balloon. You toss the rope through the straw and tie or tape both ends of the rope somewhere. Now let go of the paper clip and the balloon will streak through the place where you attached the rope. When you are finished, you end like this. Please go to

Experiment two

what you'll need:drying alcohol, 1 liter bottle ( clear plastic), bicycle pump, drill and a cork big enough to fit on the cap of the plastic bottle.
First you need to put the drying alcohol about a centimeter into the plastic bottle. Then you drill a hole into the cork and stick the cork into the plastic bottle. Stick the pipe of the bicycle pump into the hole of the cork and start pumping till you pump 10 times. Let go of the cork quickly and watch what happens.

Results: A white cloud will form

Here's a cool rocket to watch

Here's our results from the hydro rocket

Matthew: 21.6 ft
Dercen: 27.2 ft
Satoshi: 38.8 ft
Shin: 32 ft
Gianina: 80 ft
Alan: 32 ft
Albert: 32 ft

Well that was the results! I can't believe Gianina's went at least 80 ft! It seemed impossible!?

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